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29 Jul 2008

My Dumb Luck Scrubs season 7 episode 9

Love the part at the end where the board director was talking and a patient appear from nowhere and said hi! hilarious

scrubs is one of few shows that combines emotions with comedy

27 Jul 2008
headache lah

I cant sleep because something is bothering me. No, i dont mean ghost. I mean my thoughts. As much i dont want to think about it, i just think about it more. Like a irritating mosquito that never goes away. Somehow it affects me, im restless and tired. Never thought it would be so hard. Maybe i need some motivational speech shit or something. The other day i asked leon whether is he waiting or finding. Frankly i've been finding for some time and im getting tired. Found. Collide. Move on. So now im just playing the waiting game. Waiting for what you ask? I dont know actually. Personally i think im on the losing end of the game. How long im gonna wait? Hmm...till i found what i was looking for? What am i looking for? Im looking for her. Girls are troublesome but you cant live without them. I mean the thoughts of girls are troublesome. You get what i mean. I have a problem of confessing. Lack of confidence? Maybe. I once like this girl but she became different after she found out. Just thinking about these stuff kept me awake last night. Well i did slept for an hour or so. To those whoever that say being single is awesome! is a fucking liar. Sorry i think the lack of sleep is getting to me. Luckily i have such wonderful friends that can make me laugh. I love funny people. So next time when you see me, give me a hug and tell me life is still great! Haha got that from Scrubs. Guess my humour is still intact. Dont be fooled by a smile. Everyone does that. Im not happy but im not that unhappy about it(line from 2 post ago). Okay some happy stuff.

Please dont say im emo cause im not! Im just mentally unstable. Well time for some prata and thanks to those who read this post till the end (:

26 Jul 2008

arent they adorable?

happy birthday to fattah and ryan!

25 Jul 2008
fa la la

the fa la la song by jack and rai

if you want to fa la la la la with me
then lets go, lets go
dont be another one just like the other one
if you want to fa la la la la with me
then go, oh no
i aint gonna wait cause im doing fine on my own

The song is stuck in my head. I simply love it like how Amy Winehouse love cocaine. Looks like some local bands are emerging into the spotlight slowly. Like how Electrico break into the scene and also Ling86 (i dont remember her name but i did post her video before) who wrote a song, sing it, record it and post it on youtube. It was a hit and she is now with a record company. I wish i have half that talent, i wish lah.

Recently the Starhub setup box in my house was having problems. Cant watch other chanels and had to stick with local chanels for a few days. Do you have any idea how fucking boring that is?? The Yang Sisters?! WTF! All is well now since its fixed. Hmm cant remember anything much. Except for the painful experience of my eyebrows getting licked. -.-

Sometimes knowing too much stuff isnt good and the truth is hard to swalow. I cant believe some stuff that i heard, the things going on and the personality clash. For me i try to be neutral as much as possible but this time i cant. It was a mean thing to do and i pity the victim. Still its not a good thing to know so much. Sorry im a hyprocrite. Im a human.

Anyway watched the full SPSSC vs CADC game. Abit depressing. Score was 2-2 with alot of oppurtunity. Helped out for some Poly 50 stuff on wednesday. Good mood so it was a good day. Spending time with some of the peeps i hardly meet. Its good to get involve in things again. Being part of something. Dont get what i mean? Never mind.

Today went to watch The Dark Knight at Marina Square with SC peeps. I fucking forgot how to go there. It was a damn nice movie. Love the scene where Batman and Joker in the inetrrogation room. I wonder why Batman have that weird orgasm voice when he speak? :/

Did i mention about this girl i meet a few times in the bus. We take the same bus ride home most of the days. Usually its around 5+ so nowadays i try to go home at around that time. Let me elaborate abit. I was going home one fine sunny day, a few stops ahead a girl walk up to the second level of the bus and our eyes met. Instantly i felt a connection, you know like a spark? electric flowing? Okay damn exaggerating. It was like a scene in a hindi movie where boy meets girl, boy likes girl then music playing in the background. She sat infront of me. I cant stop staring at the back of her head. I know its pathetic. I guess she knows cause she can obviously see the reflection. She alighted at the same stop as me can you believe it! I love you god. Walk the same path, across the same bridge then aorund the corner she turned and she smiled at me! (some mushy love song playing in the background and im too lazy to name one cause im still caught in the moment). I wont forget that adorable smile. Thanks cupid.

ps. she's not fugly, a faggot, nor a retard -.-

im not happy but im not unhappy about it
-Samuel Barnett
The History Boys

22 Jul 2008


19 Jul 2008
cool shit

16 Jul 2008
holy cheeseburger!

The feeling is funny. Falling in love is just simply weird and wonderful. Not literally falling for someone. Maybe just pure infatuation? It might lead to love though, who knows. Hmmm. Its certainly not lust.

I admit im a hyprocrite. Damn. In my previous post (i cant remember when) i stated that its dreadful to lose a friend and yet i have a habbit of ignoring friends. Not even a simple hi. Someone teach me to be a better person. Im willing to pay.

Okay im kidding about the pay part.

Anyway i feel happy today.

14 Jul 2008


anyone knows what is happening in 26 days time?

fireworks anyone?

I’ve seen the world with these two eyes.
A movie played inside my mind.
I’ve travelled the seas in half the time
Without ever leaving home.

I’ve spread my wings but didn’t fly
I’ve touched heaven, but I didn’t die
Had the chance to ask God why
Without ever receiving an answer.

I’ve count the stars and made to ten
Lost track and had to start again.
People laughed, but that’s how we make friends
Without ever knowing their name.

I’ve loved completely and watched them leave
I tell the story—some don’t believe
Let them go or did you flee?
Without seeing what tomorrow brings.

I’ve cried like I would never smile
Walked in darkness for half a mile
Saw the sun in the distance for a small while
Without ever feeling its rays.

I’ve walked the beaches—tasted the breeze
There was a time that I’ve felt free.
Touched my soul and let life be
Without any regrets to hold.

I’ve laughed until I could not breathe
Gasped for air and let people see
There’s so much more inside of me
Without speaking a word.

I’ve held the wonders of the earth
Experienced the beauty since my birth.
Moments made filled with mirth
Without spending a dime.

I’ve faced my fears with a stern face
Let them know that they knew their place.
Life is mine to feel safe
Without worrying what’s beyond the corner.

I’ve seen it all, yet know there’s more
Some steps I’ve relived before.
But I’ll keep walking across the floor
Without knowing where each step falls.

I know the dangers. I know the cost
But I know my life is never lost.
So I’ll keep living with my unknown cause
Without asking for anything in return.

I’ll gain some friends—some memories, too
To myself, I vow to be true.
And I’ll push myself to make it through
Without giving myself the chance to fail.

This is life—it’s what you make it
Take it now, but please don’t break it.
Life does not come with a life time guarantee
It’s yours to take without knowing what it will be.


6 Jul 2008
rule the world

Hello to whoever visits my blog. Its been quite sometime since my last post. Well nothing much really happened though. Had AGM last week i think? The thing last for about less than 20 mins? Haha. Then had bbq at Moberly. Didnt know that charcoal wasnt required at all which was rather cool. The day before i was feeling rather down and had a chat with lina. Felt better after that, thanks alot lina. Been restless these past few weeks. Watch Batsu Game on youtube which i laughed my ass off. Although there wasnt any subs but i still understand and its damn hilarious. Seriously go watch it (im like a promoter). Couldnt really go out cause believe it or im like grounded by my mum :/ but i sneak out once in awhile.

Did i tell you that im quite a goo cook? haha. For some reason i dont know why, i like to cook. Maybe its because i watched Jamie Oliver cook on tv. I made a yoghurt dessert the other day and its superb i tell you. Dont give me that look. I know you're giving me that look. Seriously its EDIBLE! Then my next meal was something like a Delifance sandwich. You know that tuna and mayo thingy. It taste pretty similar. Then the next thing i cook was chicken in bbq sauce. I bet you're drooling now...or maybe not. Mum was mad cause apparently i kinda messed up the kitchen. Maybe next time when she's not at home. In touch with my feminine side (holy crap!!). Any ideas what to cook next?

As you regular readers might know im a big fan of Youtube. Another random fact about me. Here are some videos of Coldplay:

I've got to stop falling asleep after going online.

and where are you?