28 Jun 2008
23 Jun 2008
shake it!
This song is like weed. Im so addicted to it. Been looping the song. One of the singer is miley cyrus half brother. Dont know who miley is? She's probably the worst singer ever, next to david hasselholf of course. Anyway tomorrow is the end of holiday. HOLY CRAP! What have i been doing all these time? Oh ya being a geek. Last night went jogging with two buddies at the new built park trail? Its pretty cool with the view and all. I sure hope the place isnt filled with mats. Like how they invaded Esplanade. Its was great spending time with those buddies cracking those lame jokes. Havent been blogging properly lately. Hey, that's me. Helped mum paint the kitchen a few days back. It look very green now. Im used to the bright yellow. Paint the kitchen till about 2am cause there was a lot of stuff to move. Been watching the series House on youtube and other websites. Its just simply hilarious and captivating. Its a must watch for those series junkies. Oh ya and watch Scrubs too. I know i shouldnt be wasting time on this but i got a reason (or excuse), i was stress. :/ Okay i want you to meet Magibon so erm, will you be my gf?? Isnt she just keeeeeeyyyyyyooooottttttt!!! Like, my gawd! Okay im not obsess with her. I didnt like watch all her videos like 55 of them over and over again cause that's simply insane. I admit i did a research on her at wiki and google and found out she's an american girl who can speak japanese living in the state. She got these big shiny dinner plate eyes and in all her videos she does the same thing which is stare at you without saying a word, wave goodbye and lastly a peace sign. How cute is that!?? But still im no stalker or some sort of a psychopath. Hahaha. :/ If turkey win Euro 08 i have to dress like a girl! Me and my big mouth. and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO CLARE!!!! hope she sees this. Just so you know that im not gonna blog for a week cause as a superhero, the world is never at peace with super villains everywhere. So im busy crime fighting. OKAY CRAP. Good luck to those having MST! adios
20 Jun 2008
that thing you do
hey! Been stuck at home for alot of days beacuse of revision. Proud of myself. Heh. Anyway went out with sec buddies to watch a movie. Its been awhile since i've met them. Watch you dont mess with the zohan. Its damn hilarious. Watch it again the next day with sc peeps. Haha. Dont mind really. Actually i wanna blog about a movie that i absolutely love. The song playing now is from the movie That Thing You Do. Taking a break from studying for MST? Dont know what to do? I recommend you to watch this movie and guarentee you will enjoy it. If you didnt, well you can stuck a pencil up my nose. :/ ![]() DO I HAVE TO SAY ANYMORE!? GO AND WATCH IT! heh ps. i got some of their songs if you are interested. I never thought my life would end up quite this way
15 Jun 2008
14 Jun 2008
Didnt blog for awhile cause i just couldnt find the right mood to do it. Nothing much happened during these period of time. I wasnt allowed to go Genting with SC peeps. Kinda sad cause im sure it was a blast spending time with friends. Most of the days i rot at home. Spending time with my books and laptop. Watching euro matches most of the time too but damn Poland is out. Haha. I want to read a book but dont know what book. Could someone please recommend me one? Ill be your best friend for a day! Haha. Im gonna rant abit from here. Been reflecting alot lately (due to the free time). I guess i have a fear of losing friends. I had a best friend i've known for nearly ten years. Spending time after school playing soccer and stealing popsicle at a near-by shop. We would laugh till we cry even knowing what we did was wrong. We were the two 'ponteng kings' in class and copied homeworks which we always get caught. Standing up for each other when the prefects try to confiscate our tidbits. When we went to watch a movie i would usually pay for him as i know he have financial problems. There is this mystery where we would know if either one of us is troubled without asking. We went to the same secondary and that is where things changed. We went from good buddies to pure strangers. He got himself into bad company and i havent seen him since then. As a human im not perfect and i can only try. Since then i tried to hold on to friends and treasure the time spent although its unsuccessful sometimes. Here i am being sentimental again. Haha. Been looking around for a job. Its so nice of Prada to help me to ask around. In return i will *ahem* him. Haha. adios earthlings
12 Jun 2008
3 Jun 2008
club painting
I couldnt sleep the whole night thinking about stuff. Stuff that i shouldnt really waste time on but i just couldnt help it. Suppose to go running or gym with leon but when i reach school, just didnt felt like it. You know that feeling, its not laziness just no mood. haha. Its dumb of me to pack extra clothes and running shoe. Came down to paint the club. Surprisingly there were more people than i expected. Since me and some guys were early we start by moving stuff out of the club. The club is seriously freaking dusty. Then we all started to paint the white coat first. There were only a few brushes and rollers so opportunity was limited. haha. At least people get to contribute in some way. Then people start painting each other. haha. While taking a break i was playing soccer and i accidentally kick the ball into a crowd of people. Superb and i swear the guys cannot shut their mouth. haha. Then continue painting and people start to get tired. I dont hate the colour but neither do i like the colour. Makes you feel...gay. Gay is in happy. Then rushed off to kallang to watch Singapore vs Uzbekistan. Which singapore lost 7-3 how embarrassing and pathetic. Today non-stop adrenalin rush. Not really but nonetheless fun. Some pics for today:
1 Jun 2008
I’ve seen the world with these two eyes. A movie played inside my mind. I’ve traveled the seas in half the time Without ever leaving home. I’ve spread my wings but didn’t fly I’ve touched heaven, but I didn’t die Had the chance to ask God why Without ever receiving an answer. I’ve count the stars and made to ten Lost track and had to start again. People laughed, but that’s how we make friends Without ever knowing their name. I’ve loved completely and watched them leave I tell the story—some don’t believe Let them go or did you flee? Without seeing what tomorrow brings. I’ve cried like I would never smile Walked in darkness for half a mile Saw the sun in the distance for a small while Without ever feeling its rays. I’ve walked the beaches—tasted the breeze There was a time that I’ve felt free. Touched my soul and let life be Without any regrets to hold. I’ve laughed until I could not breathe Gasped for air and let people see There’s so much more inside of me Without speaking a word. I’ve held the wonders of the earth Experienced the beauty since my birth. Moments made filled with mirth Without spending a dime. I’ve faced my fears with a stern face Let them know that they knew their place. Life is mine to feel safe Without worrying what’s beyond the corner. I’ve seen it all, yet know there’s more Some steps I’ve relived before. But I’ll keep walking across the floor Without knowing where each step falls. I know the dangers. I know the cost But I know my life is never lost. So I’ll keep living with my unknown cause Without asking for anything in return. I’ll gain some friends—some memories, too To myself, I vow to be true. And I’ll push myself to make it through Without giving myself the chance to fail. This is life—it’s what you make it Take it now, but please don’t break it. Life does not come with a life time guarantee It’s yours to take without knowing what it will be. -anonymous (: im so full!! So its already June (holy crap!) went out in the during the day. Shall not elaborate on what i did during the day. When i got home got a call from leonard the mole to meet for dinner at chomp chomp. He didnt persuade me to go instead he FORCED me to. Haha kidd. Made my way to serangoon station. Waited for them and that mole have no sense of direction thus leading me to the wrong way. As usual crap alot. The place was crowded. I hate crowds. Found an empty table and like a typical singaporean we 'chop' the seats. We waited for lina to arrived. Saw the most disgusting thing. The stall to my left is selling sugar cane juice. The thing is they collect the glass from people who have finish drinking and they DIDNT wash it and pour sugar cane juice in it and serve to customers. wtf. Ordered a few dishes with rice and also satay. Chit-chat while eating. Now im damn full. Okay here comes the funny part. Lina and i took the same bus. She saw this guy who she thought was a sports club guy. She said hi so enthusiastically and the thing is the guy reply back. I wasnt sure if it was him then i ask lina to go say hi again. So we made our way to the front and she said hi again. When i look at the guy face. I was like who the heck is he. She obviously got the wrong person. I dont know him, she dont know him and he doesnt know both of us. Luckily he is from sp and same school with lina. Major embarrassment for lina. Hahaha. The train ride home was superbly crowded. I can seriously feel the guys butt behind me. cao! |