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29 Jul 2007

NDP as usual on a typical Saturday. Woke up abit late cause it ws raining so 'shiok' sleeping dont want to wake up. Rush here and there and met Fahmy at the bus stop. Feeling abit better. Abit only. Somehow my body was aching for no reason. Cab with Kenneth to HQ, thanks alot Kenneth!

More man-power than last week. Didnt really talk much i guess. Found out i was with Willie again but...

with the so called stalker. Like WTF! Scary at first but it was okay :S
The food was crap as usual. This time im at Section 1. Air-con good, stand all the time and must look good incase show on the screen not so good. My legs was killing me. Although seeing the parade many times and kinda getting bored of it (not the fireworks!) but seeing the faces on the first-timers really makes my day. Had a 'meeting' again but sometimes their jokes are not funny :/

Ate at the usual place and Kenneth was racist today. He really needs a beating. Oh ya he told me he help deliver a baby and he said the mother very chio (now i know why he choose this job). Feel abit alive again but the bus ride kills the mood.

AND! i saw two gays holding hands coming out of Hotel 81 and they look sastified...

really make the day special in a wrong way.

im avoided...

I shall start off on last friday. Went back to school early morning with Willie to help out abit since seniors have been absense for a period of time. Alot of mumbo-jumbo happened. Morning was okay and i got the feeling some person dislikes me being there. Just have that feeling, maybe im wrong. Did abit of excercise and my back was killing me. Training as usual and got to see the standard of the donno-exco-or-soon-to-be-exco teaching the other cadets. Later help out MC to do the counting of money, if only i can run away with all that money!

Later crap aound in school and got to see BIYAN! Havent seen that nut for so long and she didnt appreciate my funny jokes, no one does i guess.

A few hours later some of them styed back to get extra lesson as what we have planed. Although i find it kina useless later. I guess i might made some enemies. They better buck up, learn and accept criticism. Then it was Fahmy time to give a speech. Some (alot) of the ideas was from me but who gives a rat-ass right?

Anyway i went to the foyuer to emo abit cause a random though pass by. Then had a little chat with 'someone'. Lets call that person A. It really makes me sad listening to A's troubles and all the worries. It kinda makes me feel guilty also. A is pushed to the edge and none of A's efforts are appreciated, well some of it anyway. A is even considering to leave! A told me the kids can survive even if the CCA is closed. Alot of people see A as a horrible monster all the time instead of the good side, im guilty too. People dont really care about the person around them until they are gone.

Then saw something that i totally against and dislike but i kept quiet. Made my mood worse. Why are we making a big fuss about a matter that i believe can be solve easily by talking nicely.

Went home feeling super down and terrible but no one was there...

26 Jul 2007

Regarding what i said yesterday, maybe the infromation i got was not totally true or it was altered. About the other thing which is favouritism,well i hope everyone understandwhat im trying to express and i hope it is alright. Hope no one's feeling got hurt or friendship lost.

spider pig, spider pig, do what ever the spider pig does...

love my mum

Yesterday was a rather mixed feeling. Head down to BTM Mac for reunion dinner. haha. Some of you get i mean. Surprised to see them there. Talk to Fahmy about some things. There was serious times and a moment of laughter when Fahmy crack a rather stupid but funny joke. I wasnt concentrating at a later period due to reading of a magazine that i was hook on. Saw a small pic of FELICIA CHIN! Im a fan of hers. Couldnt remmber what we talk about much. Only 4 f us left at the end and kinda made a decision already so went home. Get to talk to HI about something thats been stuck in my mind since the fiesta of arguements. ARGH! miss the starting part of the season finale of CSI! damn it. Its to be continued btw...

25 Jul 2007

It really hurts to see my mum cry...
sigh :(

24 Jul 2007

Does anyone else find this disturbing??

The weather isnt really nice to me nowadays. Its been affecting me and im down with flu. Making me feel gloomy all day. Damn it. My dad bought alot of durian lately. Boy oh boy the smell of it is certainly tempting. Gotta resist it!

Been listening to mellow music now. Although i dont want to be labelled an 'EMO KID' but i just cant help it. Also i found out Maroon 5 aint that bad.

Gosh i miss the pizza i ate that day! ):

Tomorrow is going to be a big day for some people. Its going to be a big blown. Please be neutral and certainly NO favouritism. Innocent until proven guilty. Sounds like some court room drama-mama. Argh, im putting tissue up my both nostrils. Cant stand it.

Ive been thinking lately of changing my course. Certainly no interest in it. Fullstop. Not sure what course to take but ill think about it. Been rather decisive lately, not sure what the reason is. Wonder why people hate MIGHTY CHELSEA so much. Hmm.

random :/

23 Jul 2007

Today was suppose to go for AGI but due to some unexpected reasons i couldnt.

So today woke up late cause i was really tired and i slept late. I ate 'breakfast' first before bathing. Haha it taste funny though. Damn was it cold or what. Its been raining alot lately, not that its not nice or anything but sleeping in cold weather makes you wanna pee in the middle of the night and i seriously hate waking up in the middle of the night. Yeah im long winded when im grumpy.

About the president picture, no more negative comments! Haha i love that picture okay.

Joan is the nicest angel bunny ever! (effort to reduce the number of donuts i owe) haha. Joan if you're reading this, well its a good thing being childish sometimes you know :D oh ya all the best for your accountings.

Had a little chat with Ting Ting. She is really upset about the incident. I hope SJ is not disturbing her O'level. I thought the previous Exco was a troublesome bunch but this current one seems to have set the bar. Im going to be neutral about this situation. I have my own view and opinion on this matter which i will share soon. I couldnt imagine it will lead to this mess. Hope everyone isnt all that upset.

Also was chatting with Hiang Keat. Miss the times we crap together. We were talking about an issue that is rather sensitive to me now. Explains to him what happened. Feel abit relief though.

can somone please give me a reason to smile again?

22 Jul 2007

Presenting the new president of the republic if Singapore! Okay was just having fun.

So yesterday was NDP duty again but this time it was fun. Was in the same group as Willie, haha he was complaining about the Zone 8 officers. It was fun caue we keep crapping an there was this other girl in our group who looks like someone i know (Willie said so). There was this girl in a blue costume me and Andy was eyeing. Then there was this incident Kenneth told me.

It happen during the ending part.

Anonymos: I need bandages! (emergency i guess)
Someone: What size???

I was like...WTH! Keep crapping with the rest. Then went back to HQ hohoho got agged by some guy. It was a discovering day!!! haha. Made fun of him in the Zone room. Found out something too. I want a personal stlaker too! haha. Went for supper and head on nack home. Online until 3 plus haha chat with Joan somehow make you childsh. Hope she is not reading this haha. Also found out something bad today sigh must do something about it.
oh ya fireworks!

20 Jul 2007

Continue from the previous post.

got back from Vivo after hanging out with the guys. Meet at TB but then decided to go to Seah Im and then Banquet(we're always like that). Ate some fried rice thingy and started crapping with the guys. Really miss those days where we would hang-out ALL THE TIME. Blanja them pizza from New York Pizza and we had a little picnic with the pizza and drinks at the top. Sounds romantic huh. haha.

There was many couples around and i was kinda green with envy but well cant really do anything. We laugh and joke with other not caring what others think of us. Laughed so hard today. Realise we were missing out on lots of things. The promises we did after graduation, all of it was hot air. None was fulfilled. Missing the peeps from 4E4. People come and go i guess and all good things must come to an end. Was sad thinking about it. People only appreciate and value things after they are gone. Hope to have a reunion or something soon.

Im not sure what i am going to do 5 years down the road. Wasting my life now with fun and all with no direction or watsoever.

Anyway had fun with the guys and we played Datona before going home. Damn it i cant win a single race! Its the machine fault it wasnt n good condition i guess. Heh

why do i feel like im blamed entirely for what has happened. please tell me that all of it wasnt just an excuse to get away. you dont have the slightest clue what you've put me through. well, i wish you all the best in everything you do

Ever had a hard time making a decision?

Life is not so interesting at this point of time. So ya as usual slept kinda early yesterday and woke up abit late. Wanted to go help in training but after thinking for awhile i felt uncomfortable and its going to be kinda awkward. For those who dont have a clue what im talking just forget the last sentence. Woke up to mum's talking/argueing on the phonewith dad.
Blah blah had lunch then went back to HSS to borrow rank from Ting Ting. Shit should have come in the morning cause Mrs Nathan was visiting. It was so fast go in the room took the rank and got out and out of the school. Kinda miss the times when slacking there. Then off to BMC
to cut my HAIR!!!
Okay i look damn stupid as usual after a hair cut. Damn short i should say. Sigh this is probably my last hair cut for this year haha.
Hey im going out to meet the guys so bye!

19 Jul 2007

This is freaking funny, enjoy (:

18 Jul 2007

So its been 2 day since i blog. Dont have the mood lately but yeah im back. Dont remember much what i did these 2 days. My memory seems to be erased when i sleep. NDP is still stuck in my head and cant wait for next Saturday but i MUST CUT MY HAIR!! should i?? hmmm.

I have a weird habit of taking a long bus ride and just stoned in the bus. Recently took 16 until East Coast and then 196 back. Haha i know im a weirdo but somehow i enjoy it (im not emo!). Hating school nowadays sigh.

Today i saw a passenger quarelling with the bus captain. Apparently she paid 90 cents and took a long ride which usually cost 1.20 i guess. The bus captain was partially at fault. The way he talks was rude. The lady said she is going to alight at the next stop but he bus captain refuses to drive (maybe this is why some bus captain got bashed). The lady had to pay another 90 cents but she doesnt have any coins so she goes around asking for some. I was going to help her pay since she was pretty good looking but i just couldnt get my ass off the seat. She keeps on cursing all the way.

Nowadays i cant sleep late. Not because i wasnt allowed to its because i cant. Been mentally tired lately. I need to get a new pillow, my current one is like just a piece of cloth and a new bolster too. So i can dream a wonderful dream, haha get it? Never mind. Im addicted to donuts lately (partly because of Joan), 3 donuts isnt enough and Joan how am i suppose to treat you to 10000000 donuts if i dont see you at all. haha


ps. Yongshin if you're reading this, i want my house design soon!

15 Jul 2007

Why do people keep lying? I've been lied to enough already. All i asked for is the truth. I'm trying hard to keep my sanity intact. Knowing a huge secret is sometimes hurtful. Sigh, I'm in a dilemma. I cant keep hiding it forever. When will it end?

a question left unsolved, sigh

NDP - what can i say? the fireworks was a blast cause i get to see it up close.

Haha dont be jealous people i was doing FA duty at NDP. First of all my uniform was a mess and i thought i was going to get screwed but it turned out okay. Took a bus there and i was the food ic for today like wth. Thought i could see the show while slacking but we were sitting behind a damn wall! butgetto eat KFC and ice-cream, okay the ice-cream was bad. Went up to the top of the seats to deliver the food adn then refuse to go back down haha so i and Kenneth stayed there.

Starting was blah blah blah, warm up the crowd i guess. Then start the march-in and this is where the best things starts to heppen. The GOH was okay-okay this year. The fighter plane flew above me and it sounded like kinda scary. Then the Secretary of Defence i think came and he was riding this jeep at the back around the contigent. Suddenly out of nowhere start the 21 rifle salute. Its actually cannon not rifle. I was damn shocked! then the 3 rifle shoot-out. Then helicopters, boats and other army vehicle show-off.

Then have some shooting again. Then...

i was so close to it. Its so nice, makes everything stop for a moment. It would be nicer to have someone by your side and share the experience with them. I and Kenneth was playing spot the ahem. Haha i was like, your 12 o'clock, your 1 o'clock. Well some of you wont get it.

Then there was this chick. Is her father a carpark warden?? cause she got 'FINE' all over her. HAHA i sound like a jerk. Kidding only. Starting of the say i was thinking of not going but it really is worth it :)

Fariz is growing up...

im tired, my butt hurts and my foot hurts...i want to sleep!


14 Jul 2007

Rules of the game:
Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!

1. I have a imaginary friend. SERIOUSLY! (i want to name him Skippy).
2. Im easily attracted to girls who either have long silky hair, wear braces or wear specs (weird huh).
3. I can be really quite or really talkative.
4. I listen to jazz.
5. I always have a hard time buying shoes cause my shoe size is in the middle (eg. between 8 and 9).
6. I have a weak right ankle (runs in the family).
7. I dont have self-confidence.
8. I rather stand when taking the train even though there are empty seats.
9. I eat cockroach before (2 and a half to be exact)
10. My leg is really hairy :/

i tag:

1. JASPER - jackass
2. HUIYANG - my bf :D
3. HWEEING - she labelled me a crapper
4. BIYAN - nuts!
5. Bavani - no reason xD
6. YONGSHIN - my counsellor haha

Those i tag, better do or you will be haunted by a raging mad dog. Kidding :)

12 Jul 2007

He always let other people walk in front of him, but he will get there first. He is a very careful guy and small obstacles won't make him fall easily even he thinks life is a very serious matter. He is as romantic asany other Zodiac. He could look gentle, but inside he is as strong as steel. Once he determine to do something, he is serious about doing it well. He will keep any pressure or insult deep down inside without showing emotion.You will never see his emotion of burden or disappointment and always wonder what he thinks or feels. He will well kept his feeling.
You will never see a guy in this Zodiac involving in other people business.He always concern with his own business. Sometimes he can be talkative, but he will never give anyone advice if he has not been asked. If you ask foradvice, he will certainly give you one. He respects elderly and senior, soyou will see he is the type who visit his parents steadily or often.
He is a slightly shy but also a stubborn person. He will find many ways to make you happy when you are with him, till you realize he is the important person for you. Once he is in the "Power Position", he will use his powergently. He is a good leader and "Gentleness" is one of his effective methodfor exploiting his power. It is although he is borne to be a leader. He never hide his ambition, and he is a workaholic. he will not take any position that he has no control. He will work very hard to reach his goal and satisfaction.
Compliment from his boss or superior are never enough for him, he want his deserved reward. His deep insecurity make him reach and collecting valuablethings, and this you may think he is stingy. Actually he could easilyspending money to buy things, traveling or pay for things that makes him happy and he think necessary for his need. He care what other people thinkof him and want to get good comments or compliments.
Outside he looks like stone and steel, but inside he is a fragile person. He will hide and cover up weak emotion and his sadness in order to maintain and keep up his "Image". One method of cover up you could easily notice is suddenly if he is quiet, cold, or act very strong or very secure. Often, he feels insecure, even he is serious about his life and his own surrounding.
He always keep his promise. If he said he will meet you in your place in 2hours then he will be there, unless there is a serious accident or unavoidable things happen. He hate people who is late for date or any appointment.
He like a "Classy Woman" ,if she also comes from a good family then it is aPlus. It will make him feel proud and very ego about her status. Flashy type of woman , forget it. He like a perfect or a nearly perfect housewife. Hetend to be possessive. He will not tell you if he is mad at you, but will act very moody to show you instead.
He like to hear sweet word and compliment so you can get his interest that way. If he approaches you to ask you out, do not act too stubborn or fooling around too much. He will get tired and just disappear. He has to feel confident when he is around you, so knowing this fact you should know what to do, right!
If you want him, you have to make him feel like he is the most important person for you. He likes a kind hearted woman , polite and can get along with his family. When he feels sad, do not leave him alone, but be very supportive. Kind words and your smile will win him over, so this strong manwill be like a chicken in your palm.

Yesterday was the POLY 50 event. Reach school at 9.30 sharp and went to sports club and there i saw some familliar faces. Then they all started proceding to somewhere and i followed them froma few distances behind, then i got lost! I simply went to the toilet to wash my hand and THEY'RE GONE! Kept looking for them until i sweat like hell. Messaged Andrea and Steven and Andrea told me they were going to the Admin Centre. I was already back at sports club, s made way to the Admin Centre carpark. There we all(helpers) had to carry tables and some pole thingy to the other side of the carpark. Started arranging this and that. Fikri came later and we setup a pretty nice barricade and im actually proud of it haha. Later help Steven to carry some stuff from the office, its some prize thingy. Get to know Elize (not sure) and Casper. The seniors was talking alot of crap and it was funny shit. Then we all had a break to have lunch i think and i thought breakfast was provided. We didnt eat! stupid thing to do. Haha played abit of badminton before heading down to the carpark to get our super yellow funny looking shirt. We toured around the area looking for a toilet. Alot of people started to crowding the regristration area. Some of us was sitting there dont know what to do. Then Adin ask 2 person to help him. Thanks alot Adin, save us my ass. Our work was pretty tiring. Had to check the lap and record the number. I cant describe the chaoticness of the tag area. Sports Club was late for regristration haha as usual. I was getting tired or standing there and there was this guy who is running all 50 laps and he pass by us we must clap and cheer for him. Around 10 laps we still cheer, 20 okay-okayand at 30 cant be bothered already. Like wow the event is so fast and one of the team in Sports Club got third place. Then helpers move tables again and the pole thingy. Watch the prize presentation but was kinda far away from it. Then head back to the Spots Club room to take our things and get the hel out from there and go eat. Shit was sent back nto the carpark to take or LOE. Damn it then i and Casper was PS and had to wait for that pervert uncle to come back with then vehicle to carry somethings. Instead we were made to do work again. Damn had to go around plug out flags, carry things and shit them. Headed down to stadium and then have to walk back to carry some tables to another place! you know how ##%^@ far is that!
Then saw the rest playing badminton. Great guys. The all dont want to eat like wtf. Headed down to TB to meet the guys. Joan called me saying that they going to eat but im half way reaching my destination. Damn! Crap again with the guys and i think Fahmy got mad haha. Went home and online and chat for awhile. Body was aching and blah blah went to sleep


10 Jul 2007

Music: Baby, it's fact - Hellogoodbye
Mood: confuse

So it's been a sleepless night these few days. Becoming a night owl now. Its going to be another random post. Today was boring. Steven ask me to help with something but i was late and its done i guess haha. Saw Lina, Adi and Ramesh on the way back but i forget if i said bye or hello. Haha sorry its just that lots of things been running through my mind. The thought of 'it' irks me. Wanted to meet the guys for dinner but waiting for too long in this kind of mental state isnt a good idea. Seeing other couples kinda make me green with envy. Im a bad lover i guess. Oh ya my uncle got into an accident, my mum sms early in the morning and i was about to sleep. It sound serious though. Since im lazy to exercise, im going on a diet hahaha (dont laugh) believe it or not. Ive Been humming to this song im listening to now and its kinda annoying hmm. I want to sleeeppp

bye earthlings (:

8 Jul 2007

Music: Shine on - Jet
Mood: Blur

Just woke up and decided to blog about yesterday. Well it was a BLAST yesterday! Who am i kidding, i was rotting myself at home. Had fever but didnt go see a doctor. I just cant affort it. Im so poor i eat rice with my hand (actually thats how malay eat). Just couldnt get myself to do it. It was freaking cold that morning cause it was raining and it felt really nice. Later on she called me ask me to accompany her buy stuffs. Rushing like mad. Got caught red-handed by my friend haha. Skip details. Im totally addicted to songs by Jet, simply amazing and soothing. Now im hungry and there's no breakfast. Now comes the frustrating issue i came across, why do some people treat others like crap and expect people to treat them better. Ever heard of "treat people how you want them to treat you". Guys do some reflection of yourself once in awhile before i start using vulgars to get the message to your head. It was Live Earth day and i know some people just dont give a rat-ass about it. Well some are getting married on this day so not much people will care about Save the Earth campaign.

Okay its random. Bye.

6 Jul 2007

Yeah reality hurts but im taking small steps at a time, hoping ill be okay soon. I really hate fever...


whats happening

Ever wake up not knowing what you are doing with life? Well that feeling happened again today. Feeling so lost like i want to do something but not sure what it is. Something was missing i guess. Someone help me, tell me what should i do? The only thing great today was the dream, haha it make me damn happy (dont think dirty cause its not). It was simply great. People dont go to bed when your mind isnt clear or when you're upset because when you wake up, you're going to feel like crap. Im serious, haha so yup thats all bye :)

great day

Yeah buddies rocks! haha went out with Fahm and Wandi. Meet Wandi at TB at 6.45pm but i know we sure late (its a tradition). Damn the weather is getting hotter. Took the train to PS to meet Fahm but like always LATE again. The line was damn pack with people and the next show was at 9.05pm. Like wtf! So we headed down to Cathay when Fahm eventually arrived. He was in a bad mood i guess, so grumpy (maybe he hasnt eaten). So we bought the 8.30pm show which was like one and a half hour later and i had to fork out more money. So went back to PS for Macdonald. There we talk crap again, really full of rubbish but haha i had fun. I was going to tell them a blonde joke but beside us was a blonde guy so...ya precaution but they didnt find it funny. Some people just dont have a sense of humour. Walk back to Cathay and we watched TRANSFORMERS. Yeah the movie is cool cause i have a thing for robots. Its defiitely better than Fantastic Farting 4. Seriously that movie is bullshit. Ended around 11+pm and took bus home. Seriously i have a mental disorder when taking a bus. Turn emo out of nowhere. Fahm knows what im talking about. That place right at the back brings back memories.

Well im on my bed now and my back hurts alot. So bye :)

5 Jul 2007

A women was pregnant with triplets. One day she goes into this bank as it was being held up. She gets shot 3 times in her stomach, but luckily she lives. She goes to the doctor who tells her her children will be all right, one day the bullets will come out. So 13 years later, one triplet, a girl, runs out of the bathroom and says "MOM, MOM, I WAS GOING TO THE BATHROOM AND A BULLET CAME OUT!" So the mother tells her the story. The next day the second daughter comes out and says the same thing, "MOM, I WAS GOING TO THE BATHOOM AND A BULLET CAME OUT!" On the third day the son comes out and says "MOM, MOM!" she goes "Let me guess, you were going to the bathroom and a bullet came out?" he replies "No, I was jerking off and I shot the dog!"


Its 3am in the morning, me and my sis was damn hungry and so we ordered Macdonald. Cheers to 24 hour fast-food service. We ordered the double Mcspicy burger but the fries was like cold and hard. I have to fork out the money, damn. Burp! excuse me. Haha okay im lame. Well goodnight people. Bye!

4 Jul 2007

There were 3 girls in high school, they were all best friends and they're moms were all best friends as well, one mom was blonde, one mom was brunette, and the other had black hair.So one night, the moms are all sitting around talking, and the Brunette says, ''I found a cigarette butt in my daughters trash can, I can't believe she smokes.''The mom with Black Hair looks over and says, ''Well, I found a beer bottle in my daughters trashcan I can't believe she drinks.''Then the blonde thinks for a moment and says, ''I found a condom in my daughters bed, I can't believe she has a dick.''

I feel alive :)

I just realise i have alot of good friends. Great friends around me. I just didnt notice it until awhile ago. I was so focus on one thing last time that i forgot about other important stuffs. My friends are more precious than diamonds. I mean it :) Friends are like your brother and sister from another vagina (sorry if this is too explicit), really they are. Its hard to find a true and good friend and im so lucky to have lots of 'em but i almost forget about them :( How dumb could i get. For example my ass friend Jasper, though hes kinda irritating but hes my entertainment haha. Love you Jasp ;) we're not gays. Haha i love all my friends! Im going to be a great friend to you all. I sound like im high on drugs. Haha. Friendship is like peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it but only you can feel its true warmth. Cant make it much clearer than that. Thank you all for being the pee in my pants.

bye all! :)

Build To Last - Melee
I've looked for love in stranger places,
but never found someone like you.
Someone whose smile makes me feel I've been holding back,
and now there's nothing I can't do.

'Cause this is real,
and this is good.
It warms the inside just like it should,
but most of all it's built to last.
All of our friends saw from the start.
So why didn't we believe it too?
Whoa yeah, now look where you are.
You're in my heart now.
And there's no escaping it for you.

'Cause this is real, and this is good.
It warms the inside just like it should,
but most of all it's built to last.

Walking on the hills that night with those fireworks and candlelight.
You and I were made to get love right.

'Cause this is real, and this is good.
It warms the inside just like it should,
but most of all it's built to last.
'Cause you are the sun in my universe,
considered the best when we've felt the worst
and most of all it's built to last.


Yeah im new to blogging but i started out in friendster blog but it was limited so thus i moved here. Im an amatuer blogger so cut me some slack okay. Well thats all bye